Monday, October 1, 2012


We are happy to announce that Jonah and I are taking the next step in our lives and buying our second house. We are very excited. We have been trying to buy for a long time, and nothing was working out. We finally caught a break, and our offer was accepted on this really cute house in Spanish Fork. It is a 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath. It's a little smaller than our condo, but it has a garage and yard for the dogs! There are a few things that will need to be fixed on the house, but nothing too big. We have a couple sinks to fix and a dishwasher. We are set to close on the house on October 17th!! I am very excited, but sad as well. I am sad to be leaving our ward. I have been lucky to be in such a great ward. I love our home teachers, and my visiting teachers so much. Our bishop has been one of the best. I have always felt that he truly cares for everyone, and goes out of his way to help whenever he can. We have started packing up a few things, and it still seems like we have not even made a dent! I am not excited for the actual moving. I will be excited when it is all over. I will be sure to post pictures when we get everything moved in and settled!


  1. Umm.... pictures of the new house please! :)

  2. As soon as we can get over there we will take some pictures. You can always come see it yourself Jessica. You are always welcome
