Friday, February 22, 2013


Well I would say that it is about time to do another post. I am thinking of making it a goal to try and blog once a week at least. Since the new year, Jonah and I have been pretty busy. We were called to be the Primary teachers for the 5 year olds in our ward. It has been interesting. As you know, Jonah and I don't have kids, so it has been a bit of a challenge for us. I think it would be a challenge for anyone, considering that we have 12 kids in our class. :) I am willing to admit that I was not the most excited to be teaching Primary. I was very nervous being entrusted with the education of these little kids. Plus I was very nervous about being able to keep their attention. It's hard enough to keep the attention of one five year old, let alone 12. Luckily, I have the tools I need to help me become a better teacher. By tools, I mean my mother. She has been a primary chorister forever it feels like, so she had a lot of ideas that I am going to try out and see if they work for my kids. I am having a change of heart about my Primary calling. I am finding that I am viewing the church and the gospel through the simple eyes of a child. It is amazing how much I can learn from the simple comments that the kids will give on the lesson. Why do adults have to go and make things so complicated. The kids are the ones that have it down. :) Along with our new Primary calling, Jonah and I have spent a lot of time being sick, back and forth. We have both had the flu, then Jonah got bronchitis, and after that I got a neuro virus. It has been pretty miserable, and I am hoping that we got our sick time taken care of for the year. Two months of being sick is way too much. Once we were over our sick spells, we had something unexpected happen. My aunt Carol passed away. It was a surprise to everyone. I am thankful that I was able to attend her funeral. She was a wonderful lady. Now I want to vent about something a little personal, so I hope you don't mind. Heck, maybe you can give me some of your advice. Jonah and I really want to get moved to St George. We are both very tired of the weather and air quality up here, and I really want to be down there with my family. I miss them everyday. I hate that I miss out on the little family get togethers. I hate that I miss out on all my niece's and nephew's activities. Here are the few issues we have. First off, we don't have jobs down there, and they are hard to come by. Second, we have two homes up here that we need to worry about renting out. Third, and most difficult for me, I am emotionally ready to have kids now. However, I am not quite there physically, and if we move to St George, we won't be there financially either. I am torn at what I should do. I am ready to start a family, but I want to share it with my family and be able to be with them in St George, but it seems that I can't have my cake and eat it too. What to do. What to do.


  1. Hollee! You and Jonah need some hand sanitizer and probably an air purifier to start ;). As far as having kids and being close to your family goes, you just need to do what is best for YOU and what would be best for your family. Your family being you and Jonah. Being far away from your parents and siblings and nieces and nephews is extremely difficult, trust me I know, but when you think about it you're really not that far at all. You're definitely close enough to spend a weekend or longer there and vice versa for them. And you do have the support of Jonah's family where you are now, right? That's just as important. Here's just a small piece of financial advice, having two homes is difficult enough, having 3 could prove to be unbearable and probably bury you in unnecessary debt. I would suggest selling at least one if you decide to move, before you move, as renting is so unpredictable. Also, find jobs before you move. I've lived in Arizona for almost 4 months now and have applied for jobs everyday and still don't have one and the ecomomy here is way stronger than St. George. It's tough. Ultimately you have to follow your heart and trust in the Lord, but everything happens for a reason and in it's own time. So take some time to assess what is most important, what makes the most sense for right now, and let the rest fall into place when the time is right. Things like this can't be rushed, and shouldn't be! I know no matter what you'll be happy and you'll have all you need to get through it.

  2. Hollee! I understnd your perdicument! Being away from family can be hard, but in the same breath, Jonah and your future children are your family now. They should come first. I am with Tracy, I would at least sale one of your homes and find jobs FIRST before going anywhere. Having kids is already stress enough and adding unemployment and three "mortgages" on top of it would be killer. Nobody but you and Jonah can decide what is best for the two of you but those are my thoughts. I would definetly pray about what your decision is and not do anything until you feel peace about it. I hope everything works out the way you would like but know, even if it doesn't now, it WILL work out for what is best in the end. It just might be hard getting to that end.

    And when/if you do move down here I know a house that is for sale! LOL! :)

    Love you Hollee and only wish you the best!
